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Ben Lawrence

Men’s Health & Body Pain Coach
- Battersea, London

If you’re looking for a coach who understands what it’s like to struggle with weight, has dealt with his own mental health problems and found his own way of getting stronger, in great shape and now guiding other Deskbound Dads to do the same, then let’s chat…

I spent 15 years working for banks in the City of London (my body and mind low points) and have been nurturing our two young children since 2014 (so many highs but still tough going).

My experience of playing hockey for England and achieving my own body transformations since 2016 (highlight being 33kg in 13 months), led me to becoming a nutrition coach, then a Personal Trainer, a Behaviour Change Transformation Coach and now a Men’s Health & Body Pain Coach.

But let’s be clear…

What I do and the way I coach isn’t just an exercise (reps) and food (macros) thing.

It strikes to the core of what guys ACTUALLY need…whether they realise it or not right now.

Yes we tailor your training programme, nutrition plan and any other lifestyle habits you feel you need to work on.

But what makes the difference in terms of maximising results and then keeping them?

Boosting your MENTAL FITNESS and removing the SELF-LIMITING BELIEFS you’re carrying around every day for years.

Because your thoughts are either serving you and your goals or working against you.

So that’s where we put a chunk of our time, energy and focus.

I also believe in having a reason for everything and not changing things for the sake of it, especially if your progress is on track.

I really don’t want you to waste any more time in releasing your potential. I yo-yoed for two decades before learning what worked for me – those 20 years went quickly and are my biggest regret in life.

Bottom line? I’m committed to you achieving your results.

Offering you a straight-talking, honest and realistic coaching style that gets the job done in a manageable and sustainable way.

But please don’t take my word for it…

Take a look at our Deskbound Revolution results, case studies and testimonials page by clicking here (client contact details available on request).

Would love to have you as part of our community but it’s not for everyone and you’ll need to be the right fit (coaching is a two-way process after all!).

So muster up some courage, take that next step and APPLY NOW by booking your intro call below.

On your side,


Ben Lawrence
Coach and Creator of
The Deskbound Revolution™
& the DR5 Coaching System



Message me with any questions you have or book yourself in for a quick intro call by following the link above. No judgement. No obligation. Just a friendly conversation.
